slave paul

slave paul is a 53 year-old gay slave, originally from Maine and now living with his Master in Springfield, Virginia. he is 5 feet, 10 inches tall and weights 265 pounds. slave paul has hazel eyes and short brown hair.

slave paul was the leader of MAsT Maine for several years and as such attended the Master/slave Conference and other events. he also have had several previous Master/slave relationships.

In 2009, he relocated to Woodbridge, Virginia, just a few miles south of Master Taíno’s home. After his relocation, he became active in MAsT Washington and became more involved in the Master/slave Conference. After being released by his previous owner, slave paul became closer to Master Taíno’s family. he attended the slave Weekend of MTTA Academy in March 2010 and after that, he was invited to join the staff of the Academy, where he assisted slave ashley in the kitchen.

slave paul expressed to Master Taíno his need to be in service and to serve the community. After several conversations, Master Taíno agreed to become slave paul’s Guardian Master and assume responsibility to guide, mentor and protect him. slave paul offered himself in service to Master and to the community with the guidance of Master Taíno. Recognizing the need of slave paul to “belong”. He invited the slave to be a full member of His Family while he is under his protection.

On May 20, 2010, slave paul was officially welcome as a member of the Leather Family. During a private gathering with Family and close friends, slave paul received his protection collar, his Family patch and his name tag.

slave paul is an active member of MAsT Washington, the Co-Chef and Majordomo of the MTTA Academy and an member of the Executive Committee and Consultant for the Master/slave Conference. His role at MsC has increased every year until finally becoming member of the Executive Committee. He also was appointed as special advisor to the Board of Directors for MTTA, Inc.

In June 2011, slave paul moved into the Master’s household and he ever since in service 24/7 to the Master.

Finally, on Saturday, October 9, slave paul became the owned and collared slave of Master Taíno. In a private ceremony in Master’s dungeon, slave paul signed his contract. slave david and Sir Greg were the witnesses of the ceremony.

An important anecdote occurred during our Thanksgiving’s Dinner 2012 when slave paul’s parents joined our family for the occasion. During dinner, his mother told Master Taino how happy she was that paul has found a place and a family to belong. That was the highlight of the day for Master Taino, to see his slave’s parents offering their full support to their son and our Leather Family.

On her “Thank You” note the next day, slave paul’s parents wrote: “Thank you for a very special Thanksgiving. A very special host, excellent cuisine and a chance to get to know our son’s Master better, I enjoyed our time to talk, to share feelings and thoughts”. Priceless.

slave paul has developed his own leadership as a powerful slave and has presented to several groups, Mast Chapters and events.

During the Master/slave Conference 2015, slave paul received the “slave Heart Award 2015”.  In January 2018, he received the “Spirit of Service Award” at the Southwest Leather Conference.

slave paul can be reached at